Summary report for "" (monthly stats)

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This site in Alpha Directory: i ie iee

Approximate SE paid and organic traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 125.4 $92.32*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Organic keywords

  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position     Keyword Traffic Position     Keyword   Position  
1. iee $90.64  20    1. iee 100  20    1. iee com   2   
2. iee com $1.25  2    2. iee com 25  2    2. www iee   17   
3. www iee $0.42  17    3. www iee 17    3. iee   20   

Competitors for ""

Keywords: iee; institution of electrical engineers; institute of electrical engineers; institute of electrical engineering; www iee;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Indoor Environmental Engineering - Home: Healthy Building Services, Diagnostic Services, Laboratory Services, Indoor Air Quality, Building Science, Forensic Investigation, IAQ Diagnostics, San Francis

Keywords: indoor; pvc carpet; indoor environmental; pvc backing; pvc backed;

Paid traffic cost: N/A IEEE - the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology

IEEE, the world's leading technical professional association, fosters innovation through publications, conferences, standards development, and member collaboration.

Keywords: ieee; fellow; chapters; ies; bank account;

Paid traffic cost: $2.82K

Keywords: iee; www iee; echternach luxemburg; echternach luxembourg; force sensing resistor;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keywords: facebook; youtube; insurance; you tube; google;

Paid traffic cost: $0.3 EUROPA - European Commission - Homepage

The homepage of the European Commission provides information on daily news, the calendar, the policies, the President, the Commissioners and the services offered

Keywords: reach; elv; euro; dgt; eurostat;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Instituto Estatal Electoral - Morelos

Keywords: instituto estatal electoral; www iee; derecho electoral; consejo estatal electoral; mapa morelos;

Paid traffic cost: N/A The University of York

Outstanding teaching and research, in a historic European city

Keywords: york university; york uk; board of studies; pgce; york university uk;

Paid traffic cost: $193.69 Equipment Engineering Services: Equipment Engineering

Equipment Engineering Services design and develop process equipment, machines, automation systems and control systems.

Keywords: equipment engineering; equipment engineer; engineering equipment; delaware engineering; iee com;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

Keywords: iee; mitsubishi elevator; elevator bed; www iee; iee com;

Paid traffic cost: N/A IEE-library - Home

Keywords: www iee; aller a l'ecole; distribution transformer losses; psat 2008; national energy audit tool;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

Keywords: institute of ecology; www iee; and evolution; monogynous; laura bosco;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

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