Summary report for "" (monthly stats)

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Advertising budget: N/A

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Approximate SE paid and organic traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 1.74 $0.09*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Organic keywords

  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position     Keyword Traffic Position     Keyword   Position  
1. west africa aids foundation $0.07  6    1. west africa aids foundation 6    1. west africa aids foundation   6   
2. african aids foundation $0.02  13    2. african aids foundation 13    2. african aids foundation   13   

Competitors for "" TakingITGlobal - Organizations

Keywords: student travel association; peer helpers; international society for technology in education; hypi; street kids international;

Paid traffic cost: N/A ::::Aids Foundation South Africa:::: Home

The AIDS Foundation of South Africa is a non-profit organisation that is committed to supporting Community Based Organizations to limit the spread of HIV infection

Keywords: aids in south africa; south africa aids; aids south africa; hiv aids in south africa; aids hiv in south africa;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

Keywords: online flyers; flyers online; smore; flyer online; make flyers online;

Paid traffic cost: $8.95

Keywords: listen in; listen picture; listenin; picture listen; listen pictures;

Paid traffic cost: N/A African Aids Foundation: An Australian NGO Providing a Better Future for African Children and Their Communities

Keywords: aids africa; africa aids; african aids; aids afrika; africa with aids;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Workplace Giving charity fundraising | Australian Charities Fund

Workplace Giving is a proactive way for workers and community to connect. Simple, low cost Workplace Giving programs ensure your chosen charity gets every fundraising dollar.

Keywords: australian charities; australian charity; fund australia; big brother charity; australian fund;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

Keywords: youth aids foundation; west africa aids foundation; african aids foundation;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

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